Sunday, January 14, 2024

Week 1 - Homeostasis: Elaborate - Osteoporosis & Feedback Loops


  • Week 1 - Homeostasis: Elaborate - Osteoporosis & Feedback Loops

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    group-discussion.jpgLearning is really all about practice so let's try practicing with one more feedback loop scenario!  Hopefully you looked at some colleagues' ideas in the last discussion and got some feedback for yourself on whether your answers seemed well supported or whether you found good evidence for alternate answers in your peers' responses.

    You will receive 1 point for submitting a post, after which you will be able to see your colleagues' posts.

    New Discussion Prompt:

    osteoporosis bonesOne cause of osteoporosis is low calcium. You have a special gland that has calcium sensors. If it detects low calcium in your blood, the gland sends hormones to your bone cells. Your bone cells then break down and weaken your bones in order to release calcium. This results in higher calcium in your blood.

    1)What is the control center in this example?

    2)What is the effector in this example?

    3)Does this example show negative feedback or positive feedback? How can you tell?

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  • In this example, the control center is the gland, which processes the information. Then, the effector is the bone cells because when the gland detects low calcium, it sends the hormones to the cells, which break down and release calcium. Therefore, this is an example of a negative feedback loop, and we can tell because the bone cells bring the calcium levels back to a stable level, essentially bringing back homeostasis. 



  • I think the control center in this situation is the "special" gland. 

    I think the effector in this situation are the bone cells. 

    This is an example of a negative feedback because the calcium sensors are sensing a lower calcium amount and release hormones to try and increase the calcium count. 

    Edited by Michael Molcsan on Jan 9 at 8:42pm
  • The control center would be the calcium sensor .The effector is that your bones start to break down and get weak. This is more of a positive feedback I can tell by the ending where it says the higher calcium .

  • The control center in this example would be the special glands that have the calcium sensors. The effector would be the hormones because it causes the bone cells to break down. This is an example of a negative feedback loop because the body is making up for its low calcium levels.
  • The control center is the gland that contains calcium sensors, as it initiates the changes to blood calcium levels. The effector is the hormones sent to bone cells, as the hormones trigger a release of calcium from the bones. This example shows negative feedback because it works towards an equilibrium, not away from it. The calcium sensors correct calcium that is too high or low by bringing it back to a normal level, not escalating further as we saw in the previous example.

  • I think the control center is the glands that contain the sensors. I believe the effector in this is the hormones sent to the bones cells, I think this is a negative feedback because it sends in more glands and hormones towards and equilibrium.

    Edited by Cordell Reed on Jan 10 at 4:28pm
  • In this scenario, the control center is represented by the special gland with calcium sensors. This gland detects low calcium levels in the blood, serving as the control center that initiates a response. The effector in this example is the bone cells. When the calcium sensors detect low levels, the gland sends hormones to the bone cells, instructing them to break down and release calcium into the bloodstream. This mechanism, where the response aims to counteract and bring the system back to its set point, indicates a negative feedback loop. The breakdown of bone cells is a corrective action, leading to increased calcium in the blood and, subsequently, a return to the desired calcium levels.

  • The control center in this example is the gland as it has calcium sensors to sense calcium levels. The effector in this example are the bones cells as they break down and weaken the bones to be able to release calcium. This example shows a negative feedback loop because since low calcium was sensed in the blood by the gland, it sends hormones to the bone cells for it to be able to break down itself and weaken the bones to release calcium to which resulted in higher calcium. It counteracted the problem rather enhanced it as what a positive feedback would do instead.

  • In this example, the control system is the gland with calcium sensors as it decides whether the calcium levels in the bloodstream are normal or abnormal. The effectors are the bone cells, as they directly break down the bones. I think this is an example of a positive feedback loop, as the bones progressively weaken, moving further away from the set point. One might believe that higher levels of calcium in the blood would help with osteoporosis, but it actually worsens the condition because it is taking calcium directly from the bones, causing them to further weaken. However, if we disregard the osteoporosis aspect of this example, it would be a negative feedback loop because the body is moving in the opposite direction of the deviation to restore the blood calcium levels to normal.

  • The Control Center is the gland because it compares the value of calcium in the body to the normal range and gives feedback

    The Effector would be the Bone Cells because it what caused the change, allowing the bones to breakdown and release calcium 

    This is an example of negative feedback because the deviation was that this person had low calcium and the response was to bring levels higher which was in the opposite direction which brought the calcium levels back to its set point or normal range


    Edited by Tonya Cedillo on Jan 11 at 2:29pm
  • The control center in this example is a special gland because it detected the low calcium which caused it to release an effector. 

    The effector in this example are the bone cells because they're the ones to break down your bones in order to get more calcium back in your blood. 

    This example shows negative feedback because the body is counteracting the low calcium levels by having the bone cells release calcium. As a result, calcium levels can return to the set point.

  • In this scenario, the control center could be the gland that detects when low calcium occurs. The effectors are the bone cells. In this example, I believe that a negative feedback loop is represented because the end result brings you back to the set point. 

  • In this example, the control center is the gland with the calcium sensors. The effector in this example are the bone cells. This example shows a negative feedback. Although the bone cells are constantly getting broken down and getting weaker to supply more calcium to the blood, because of this action, calcium in the blood is restored back to normal levels which represents a negative feedback. The blood that had less calcium before has now been brought to a normal state.

    Edited by Elex Felix on Jan 11 at 11:10pm
  • This is negative feedback because the calcium is brough back up to the set point.

    the control center is the glands because it is what decides if the calcium is low, and the effector is the bone cells because that is what generates the response of the hormone and that is what alters the condition.

    Edited by Jasmin Villicana-Lopez on Jan 12 at 10am
  • 1.  special gland that has calcium sensors

    2.  hormones that go to the bone cells

    3.  I think this is an example of negative feedback because the special glands detect low calcium, then it sends hormones to the bone cells, from there the bone cells then break down and weaken bones to release more calcium into your blood, creating balance. 

  • The control center in this example is the calcium sensors. The effector is the hormones. This is an example of a negative feedback loop because the body is trying to go back to a stable calcium level.

    Edited by Hazel Mendoza on Jan 12 at 1:10pm
  • I think the control center would be the glands sending hormones to your bone cells which helps your calcium level. The effector in this example would be the bone cells which are the ones who respond to the hormones. I believe this example shows what a negative feedback is because the hormones being sent to your bone cells are helping with increasing your calcium which is bringing it back to the set point.

  • The control center would be the calcium sensors because they play the role of receiving info and maintaining homeostasis. I think the hormones act as the effector. And I’d say that this is an example of negative feedback.
  • I believe that the control center in this case would be the special gland because it has calcium sensors that senses low calcium. The effectors would be the bone cells breaking and releasing calcium because it’s altering the condition of the bones therefore providing more calcium.  This is an example of negative feedback loop because the body is effectively finding its way back to homeostasis by breaking the bone cells and releasing more calcium. 
  • The control center is the gland. The effector is the bone cells. The example above shows negative feedback because it counteracts the low calcium level. Therefore, It releases hormones to normalize or increase the calcium level in the blood. This loop will further help a patient to prevent osteoporosis.

    1. The control center in this example is the gland that has the calcium sensors dictate whether there are low calcium levels or not.
    2. The effector in this example is the bone cells. After directly sending hormones to the bone cells, it breaks down to release calcium needed.  
    3. This example shows negative feedback because the calcium sensors detected low calcium that was then countered by the hormones to the bone's cells to further release calcium. As result, there are higher levels of calcium than before.  
    Edited by Miriam Rubio Macedo on Jan 12 at 9:50pm
  • In this example the control center would be the special gland and your bone cells would be the effector. I think this example of osteoporosis is an example of negative feedback. When the gland detects the low calcium and releases the hormones to your bone cells, Your bone cells break down and release calcium resulting in higher calcium. Since you went from having low calcium to higher calcium this is an example of a negative feedback.

  • The control center in this example is the special gland and the effector is the bone cells that are breaking down and weakening the bones in order to release calcium. This is a negative feedback loop because osteoporosis is a condition in which the normal bone has low calcium and in the scenario given, it detected low calcium, and the gland sent hormones to the bone cells in order for the bones to release calcium. and because of this, it resulted in a higher calcium. 

  • 1. The control center would be the calcium sensors and the special gland. I would say it’s these two because it’s low on the calcium just how it said in the beginning of the paragraph 
    2. The effector is the bone cells. It’s the bone cells because then the bones break down and get weaker
    3. This example shows a negative feedback. It’s a negative feedback because it shows examples of the body not being stable and not working properly. The body is low in calcium, the bones are weak which makes the body have a negative feedback.
  • In this example, the control center is the glands. And effector are the hormones. I believe this is an example of negative feedback.
  • 1) In this example, the control center is the special gland because it uses the information of low calcium to send hormones to bone cells. 2) The effector in this example is the bone cells because they break down to weaken the bones and release calcium. 3) This is an example of negative feedback because the condition of low calcium is changed to higher calcium at the end of the feedback loop.

    Edited by Gabrielle Murray on Jan 13 at 3:54pm
  • 1) The control center in this example is the special gland 

    2) The effectors in this example are the bone cells

    3) This is an example of a negative feedback loop because pushing in the opposite direction of the deviation. You start off with low calcium and the loop results with higher calcium levels.

  • 1) The control center in this example is the special gland with calcium sensors.
    2) The effector in this example is the bone cells.
    3) This example demonstrates negative feedback. The mechanism aims to counteract the low calcium levels by initiating a response (breaking down bone cells) that ultimately restores balance to the calcium levels in the blood. The deviation from the set point triggers a corrective action, aligning with the characteristics of negative feedback loops.

    In this example, the feedback loop demonstrates negative feedback because the response mechanism works to counteract and reverse the initial deviation from the set point. The low calcium levels detected by the gland trigger a series of events leading to bone breakdown, releasing more calcium into the blood. This corrective action brings the calcium levels back to the normal set point. Negative feedback loops aim to maintain homeostasis by responding to deviations in a way that opposes or reverses the initial change, and in this scenario, the system works to restore the balance of calcium in the blood.
  • In this example the special gland that has calcium sensors is acting as the control center because it's comparing current calcium levels to the normal range. I believe the bone cells are the effectors because they break down and weaken your bones in order to release higher calcium in your blood. 

    This is an example of negative feedback since the body is self correcting or counter acting itself to get back into normal calcium range. 

  • The control center in this example is the gland that sends out hormones to the bone cells. The effector in this example is the calcium in the blood. This example shows a negative feedback because if the special gland detects low calcium, the bone cells that are breaking down and weaking the bones that releases calcium back to balance. 

    1. The control center of this example is the “gland.”
    2. The effector in this example is the hormones sent to your bone cells by the gland to break down and weaken your bones to release calcium.
    3. I believe that this example is a negative feedback loop as your body is trying to maintain homeostasis by increasing the amount of calcium in your blood if you have low calcium, even though it results in osteoporosis.
  • 1) control center: special gland

    2) effectors: bone cells

    3) negative feedback loop because we start with osteoporosis, low calcium and end with high calcium

  • The control center in the example is the calcium sensors in the special gland. It detects the level of calcium and tells the gland to release hormones when needed. The effector in the example is hormones that are sent to the bone cells, as they are what signals the bone cells to break down. I believe the example shows negative feedback because it returns the calcium levels in the blood higher instead of lowering them. The deviation from the set point is a lower calcium level, so the process of the bone cells breaking down increases the calcium level, returning it to a more stable level. 

    • I came up with the same conclusion as you. This is indeed megative feedback as the body has achieved homestasis by having higher calcium in the blood. Although I have seen other peers argue the bone cells are the effectors and not the hormone. I still stand with our answer!

  • This is an example of a negative feeback loop as homeostasis is achieved by the break down of calcium in the bones. The control center in this example is the calcium sensors. The effector is the hormones sent by the calcium sensors.

  • The glands are the control center and bone cells are the effectors. I can tell this example shows negative feedback because low calcium causes osteoporosis and the final result shows higher calcium in our blood due to the gland sends hormones to our bone cells to maintain homeostasis.

    Edited by Kyaw Latt on Jan 14 at 3:30am
  • Low calcium intake result in  low level of bone density .The gland (control center )sent the hormone to bone cell (effector ) which is negative feedback loops keep bone density and blood calcium levels in normal range  . 

    Edited by Phyu Phyu Thant on Jan 14 at 12:52pm
  • 1/The control center in this example is the gland .

    2/The effector in this example is the bone cells .

    3/ This example shows an example of a negative feedback because it started with low calcium and results ended in higher calcium went the opposite direction .

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