Tuesday, February 13, 2024

application 5 Pauk Pauk

 The DNA of Jared  and Aaron passed along their baby will include new combination of genes as a result of crossing over. Crossing over generates fresh genetic combinations on chromosomes that render the possibility of these twins having identical twin children unlikely. Through crossing over, their reproductive cells undergo independent assortment, each pair includes one chromosome from the mother and one from the father with independent assortment, the number of potential combinations is turned out more than around 8 million combinations. (example 2 raised to the power of 23  = over 8 million) Meiosis is a process where a single cell divides twice and creates four daughter cells known as sex cells. These cells contain half of the genetic material from the parents. Meiosis results in genetically unique cells that only have half of the DNA from the parents. During prophase I of meiosis I, crossing over occurs, where homologous chromosomes align and exchange sections of DNA, creating recombinant chromosomes with mixed genetic information from both parents.The orientation of each pair is independent of the orientation of other pairs.This random assortment of chromosomes leads to the production of gametes with different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes, further increasing genetic diversity. This process increases genetic variation by forming new combinations of alleles, ensuring that each gamete has a unique genetic makeup.While Aaron and Jared’s kids will share some genetic similarities due to their parents being identical twins, they won’t be identical twins themselves.

 Independent assortment occurs during metaphase I of meiosis I. During this stage, homologous pairs of chromosomes line up randomly along the equator of the cell.

application 2

  When the person was infected  corona virus the patient having the symptom of high temperature. During a fever, the body is maintaining a temperature of 101°F, it is actually operating within a negative feedback loop.The hypothalamus, a part of the brain, acts as the body’s thermostat and detects the elevated temperature.
Chemical signals are released to the brain, alerting it to the increased temperature.In response, the hypothalamus triggers various physiological mechanisms to reduce the body temperature and restore it to the normal range.These efforts include sweating and vasodilation (expansion of blood vessels), which aim to bring the temperature back to normal.The normal body temperature typically hovers around 98.6°F (37.0°C). During a fever, a new set point temporarily shifts upward (from 98.6°F to 101°F) due to infection.The negative feedback loop then works to bring the elevated temperature back toward this new set point. Maintaining a temperature of 101°F during a fever example of rheostasis, where the body adjusts its set point to respond to specific conditions.The negative feedback loop ensures that deviations from this adjusted set point are corrected, promoting overall health and stability.

The person is having fever 101'F is a negative feedback loop because because it involves a fever caused by a coronavirus infection, leading to an elevated body temperature. Despite the increase from the normal 98.6°F to 101°F during the fever, the body’s defense mechanism maintains the temperature at 101°F. This persistence in temperature regulation even in the presence of infection and high temperatures confirms that the process operates as a negative feedback loop. The normal temperature set at 98.6'F .The body adjusts a new set point 101'F  to respond to specific conditions.The body's ability to adjust its set point in response to specific conditions is demonstrated by maintaining a temperature of 101°F during a fever this is the exemplifies of rheostasis.The body adjusts its set point in response to specific conditions, exemplifying rheostasis. Ultimately, the negative feedback loop ensures stability by shifting the temperature to a new set point.

The person is having fever 101'F is a negative feedback loop because it involves a fever caused by a coronavirus infection, leading to an elevated body temperature. Despite the temperature increase from the normal 98.6°F to 101°F during the fever, the body’s defense mechanism maintains the temperature at 101°F. This persistence in temperature regulation even in the presence of infection and high temperatures confirms that the process operates as a negative feedback loop.The normal temperature set at 98.6'F .The body adjusts a new set point 101'F  to respond to specific conditions.The body's ability to adjust its set point in response to specific conditions is demonstrated by maintaining a temperature of 101°F during a fever this is the exemplifies of rheostasis.In order to maintain the stability of the patient's condition, the negative feedback loop ensures that the temperature shift to a new set point.



 Our normal body temperature typically hovers around 98.6°F (37.0°C). In the case of fever, a new set point temporarily shifts upward (from 98.6°F to 101°F) due to infection.


When your body is maintaining a temperature of 101°F during a fever, it is operating within a negative feedback loop



 When the person was infected  corona virus the patient having the symptom of high temperature. During a fever, the body is maintaining a temperature of 101°F, it is actually operating within a negative feedback loop.The hypothalamus (a part of the brain) acts as the body’s thermostat and detects this elevated temperature.When the temperature elevated releasing chemical signal reported to the brain causing the body to generate more heat. In response, the hypothalamus triggers various physiological mechanisms to reduce the body temperature and restore back to the normal range. During a fever, body efforts to reduce the elevated temperature (such as sweating and vasodilation) demonstrate a negative feedback loop, because this aim to restore the normal body temperature. Conclusion the normal body temperature typically hovers around 98.6°F (37.0°C). In the case of fever, a new set point temporarily shifts upward (from 98.6°F to 101°F) due to infection.The negative feedback loop then works to bring the elevated temperature back toward this new set point.Maintaining a temperature of 101°F during a fever is example of  rheostasis, where the body adjusts its set point to respond to specific conditions. The negative feedback loop ensures that deviations from this adjusted set point are corrected, promoting overall health and stability

application 6 revised

Thanks for the response! What special properties do myofibroblasts have over regular fibroblasts?

Looking at the last few sentences of the article we read, what special connections does collagen have to scarring/fibrosis?



 When you scratch a pimple, you disrupt the delicate balance of skin cells and the collagen fibers involved in the repair process. Wound healing is crucial, but chronic inflammation and excessive repair can lead to the accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM). Myofibroblasts, which play a role in wound contraction, can persist in tissues and contribute to the formation of excessive scar tissue, known as fibrosis. This occurs when the synthesis of new collagen by myofibroblasts outpaces its degradation, resulting in an overall increase in collagen content over time.

When you scratch a wound, it disrupts the delicate balance of skin cells and collagen fibers involved in the repair process. While wound healing is essential, chronic inflammation and excessive repair can trigger the accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM). Myofibroblasts, responding to chemical signals, migrate to the wounded area and produce collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins. Although myofibroblasts play a role in wound contraction, their persistent presence can lead to excessive scar tissue formation, known as fibrosis. This occurs when the synthesis of new collagen by myofibroblasts exceeds the rate at which it is degraded, resulting in an overall increase in collagen content over time.Continuously scratching the healing process disrupts the formation of smooth collagen, leading to irregular scar tissue and permanent scarring. Therefore, doctors advise against poking or scratching pimples, as it not only worsens inflammation but also contributes to fibrosis or scarring.

When you scratched it disturb the delicate balance of skin cells and the collagen fiber in repair process. Wound healing is essential, but chronic inflammation and repair that trigger the excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM). Myofibroblasts migrate to the wounded area, triggered by chemical signals to produce collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins. Myofibroblasts mediate wound contractions, but their persistent presence in tissues leads to excessive scar tissue formation turned out fibrosis.Fibrosis occours when the synthesis of  new collagen by myofibroblasts exceeds the rate of which  is degraded, such that the total amount of collagen increases over time. When you keep scratching it disturb the healing process instead of smooth collagen, it's create irregular scar tissue causing permanent scarring. Thus, the doctor advised not to poke or scratch the pimples because it is not only worsening the inflammation but also caused fibrosis or "scarring."

What layer of skin is collagen found?


What layer of skin is collagen found?
While your epidermis is the thinnest layer of skin, your dermis is the thickest layer of skin. Your dermis contains collagen and elastin, which help make your dermis thick and supportive of your skin's overall structure.Feb 7, 2022


 The main disease activity leading to psoriasis occurs in the epidermis, the top five layers of the skin. The process starts in the basal (deepest) layer of the epidermis, where keratinocytes are made. Keratinocytes are immature skin cells that produce keratin, a tough protein that helps form hair, nails, and skin.

 What are Langerhan cells?

Langerhans cells (LCs) reside in the epidermis as a dense network of immune system sentinels. These cells determine the appropriate adaptive immune response (inflammation or tolerance) by interpreting the microenvironmental context in which they encounter foreign substances.



scientist spotlight


New work from the University of Maryland suggests that a common, inexpensive and safe chemical could slow the aging of human skin.  

The researchers found evidence that the chemical -- an antioxidant called methylene blue -- could slow or reverse several well-known signs of aging when tested in cultured human skin cells and simulated skin tissue

The study was published online in the journal Scientific Reports on May 30, 2017.

"Our work suggests that methylene blue could be a powerful antioxidant for use in skin care products," said Kan Cao, senior author on the study and an associate professor of cell biology and molecular genetics at UMD.

"The effects we are seeing are not temporary. Methylene blue appears to make fundamental, long-term changes to skin cells."

Wound healing versus fibrosis
