Thursday, March 28, 2024

Application Question 14- exercise related with ATP and muscle stimulation

Application Question 14

    Due Mar 10 by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a text entry box Available until Mar 26 at 1pm

This assignment was locked Mar 26 at 1pm.
Let's return to our scenario...

DumbellsPretend you have a friend who has recently gotten very excited about fitness and exercise. Now all she wants to talk about is what’s happening in her body during workouts! She’s started a new weight lifting program for her arms where she cycles quickly through various dumbbell exercises for a few minutes before resting and repeating later. She asks you to help her understand what’s happening in her muscle cells during and after those workouts.

Briefly explain (just a sentence or two for each point) how...

    Her muscles generate energy (ATP) to do this work?
    Her nervous system coordinates the stimulation/action potentials to her muscle cells?
    Her muscle cells will change over time as a result of her workouts?

Mostly Complete (10 pts): Address each of the three topics above with information about how muscles change during exercise. For #1, more than one energy harnessing method should be addressed, since the length of the exercise would require at least a couple ATP generation strategies. See the three pages immediately before this question for information about what to share for each of these three topics!

               I would explained my friend that during weight lifting,her muscles primarily produce energy (in the form of ATP) through aerobic respiration, which involves using oxygen to break down glucose and fuel muscle contractions.When her muscles contract, ATP molecules had to broken down to release energy.The frequency and intensity of these signals determine the force and duration of muscle contractions.

(1)  For short bursts of intense activity like weight lifting , her muscles rely on stored creatine phosphate (CP) to rapidly regenerate ATP.

(2)  For moderate-intensity exercise, glucose breakdown via glycolysis generates ATP.

(3) For longer activity oxygen is used to break down glucose into ATP molecules, providing sustained energy

            When lifting weights, the nervous system coordinates the firing of motor neurons, which stimulate muscle fibers to contract.Initially, muscle contractions are often partial and not strong enough to fully shorten the muscle cell.To achieve full muscle cell shortening and sustained contraction, the muscle cell must receive multiple signals in succession from the neuron.

       During workouts, the interaction between actin and myosin generates force in the muscle. Increasing the amount of actin and myosin results in greater force production and thicker, more defined muscles when lifting heavier weights.

         Consistent work out perform training, muscle fibers increase in size due to increased protein synthesis and the addition of contractile proteins actin and myosin. Aerobic exercise promotes mitochondrial growth within muscle cells. More mitochondria mean better ATP production through aerobic respiration.

Application Question 13 -Black Widow Spider Latrotoxin

Application Question 13

    Due Mar 10 by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a text entry box Available until Mar 26 at 1pm

This assignment was locked Mar 26 at 1pm.

Look back over the responses from your classmates in the preceding discussion.  If you are satisfied with your original response to this question, simply copy and paste that response here!  If you wish to edit your original response based on what you saw in the discussion, make those changes before submitting.

Black Widow SpiderLatrotoxin is a compound produced by spiders in the genus Latrodectus (such as black widow spiders). Latrotoxin creates tiny holes in cell membranes at axon terminals that allow small hydrophilic particles to pass through the membrane.  Consider the above information and what we have learned thus far about activities in the neuromuscular junction.

What impacts would latrotoxin have on your muscles?

Discuss ACh, sodium, and calcium in your explanation.

Mostly Complete (10 pts): Muscles will be overstimulated/constantly contracting when exposed to venom.  Note that calcium would get into the axon terminal through the tiny holes and trace chain of events after that, including ACh and sodium.  View this video if you wish to review the steps that occur after calcium entry. Focus especially on the specific locations of ACh, calcium, and sodium and the order of the steps.

Partially Complete (6 pts): Answer is partially on track but incorrectly identifies the roles of either ACh, sodium, or calcium.

      Base on my understanding the sodium ions play a important role in muscle cell depolarization. Calcium ions are essential for muscle contraction. During normal muscle contraction, sodium channels open, allowing sodium ions to flow into the muscle cell.
           (1)   Latrotoxin effects affect cell membrane which sodium and calcium currents depolarize the membrane that allow influx of sodium and calcium ions .Binding to neuronal receptors disrupt normal neuromuscular junction function.

           (2)  Sodium ions play a critical role in muscle cell depolarization, when increase sodium ions into muscle cells triggers the release of calcium ions.

           (3)   Increase calcium ion [Ca2+] ion resulting in increase release ACH.  

           (4)   Excessive release of acetylcholine (ACH) at the neuromuscular junction,   resulting in increase muscle contraction of skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle.   Latroxin caused prolonged muscle contractions, spasms , muscle pain or  muscle damage.

Application Question 12 - Luis growth and height

Application Question 12

    Due Mar 3 by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a text entry box Available until Mar 26 at 1pm

This assignment was locked Mar 26 at 1pm.

Look back over the responses from your classmates in the preceding discussion.  If you are satisfied with your original response to this question, simply copy and paste that response here!  If you see something in classmates' responses you wish to incorporate, add that information in before submitting.

One day your friend, Luís, who has always been somewhat short, comes up to you and says, “Okay, you A&P expert, I have a question for you! I exercise lots, eat calcium rich foods, and take vitamin D supplements, but I never get taller! Clearly my bones can grow, since I had a little growth spurt in high school, but I’ve been pretty much the same height ever since then. What was going on with my bones back then that isn’t happening now and why?” You sigh and pull out your A&P book to try to explain.

How do you respond to Luís?

Use the words “chondrocyte,” “osteoblast,” and “estrogen” in your explanation.

Mostly Complete (10 pts): Make appropriate use of the terms chondrocyte, osteoblast, and estrogen to describe activities in epiphyseal growth before and after puberty.  Recall that chondrocytes in the epiphyseal plate reproduce rapidly during puberty stacking on top of one another and lengthening long bones with new cartilage.  That cartilage is then calcified by osteoblasts so the bones are longer and the person is taller.  What happens toward the end of puberty and why?

Partially Complete (6 pts): Missing an accurate description of changes in epiphyseal growth during/after puberty including the roles of chondrocytes, osteoblasts, or estrogen.

   I will explain to Luis that

(1) chondrocytes are specialized cells found in the growth plates of our bones.

(2) Before puberty, chondrocytes divide and contribute to bone lengthening.

(3) The estrogen hormone released during puberty that triggered shortens the life of chondrocytes, leading to the cessation of bone elongation.

(4) At this stage, osteoblasts take over, binding calcium phosphate to harden the bone. Osteoblasts work hard to create new bone tissue, which lengthens  long bones and contributing to our height. Luis's bones settled into their final dimensions, and that’s why he hasn’t experienced significant height changes.As a result, Luis 's height stops at puberty, and so that Luis will no longer grow taller at this point.

Application Question 11 Vitamin D and clacium relating with osteoporosis

Application Question 11

    Due Feb 25 by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a text entry box Available until Mar 26 at 1pm

This assignment was locked Mar 26 at 1pm.

Look back over the responses from your classmates in the preceding discussion.  If you are satisfied with your original response to this question, simply copy and paste that response here!  If you see something in classmates' responses you wish to incorporate, add that information in before submitting.

Pretend you overhear a conversation about skeletal health while on the bus. A woman is saying, “You wouldn’t believe this new doctor I’m seeing! I had all my blood tests done and they all came back great, except for low on vitamin D. And what does the doctor do? She tells me I should get a bone checkup for osteoporosis! Now you know I eat lots of food with calcium in it, and get this, my calcium blood levels are normal! What kind of doctor thinks you can get osteoporosis when your calcium levels are perfectly fine? I’m not getting that silly bone checkup.”

What would you be thinking during this conversation? If you were this woman’s doctor, how would you explain the recommendation to get a bone density test?

Mostly Complete (10 pts): Discuss the main point, which is that the only reason she has normal blood calcium is that her body is taking calcium from her bones to keep blood levels normal. Delve into the cellular/chemical aspect of this situation, including a reference to the involvement of important cells/chemicals in this feedback loop (i.e., the PTH/calcium feedback loop/vitamin D).

       According to the conversating the women stating that low level of vitamin D even though her  blood calcium is normal her doctor want her to do checkup for osteoporosis .  Vitamin D levels are tightly regulated by the body to maintain homeostasis. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption from the intestines. Low level of vitamin D resulting impaired calcium absorption. When blood calcium levels drop  the parathyroid glands release PTH. PTH/calcium feedback loop and vitamin D work together to maintain calcium homeostasis in the body. When blood calcium drops, PTH stimulates osteoclasts (bone-resorbing cells) to break down bone tissue, releasing calcium into the bloodstream. Therefore, a bone density test need to be recommended to check the bone density because osteoporosis can occur due to factors beyond on blood calcium levels.

Application 10 Indequated diagnosed for skin disease based on skin color

Application Question 10

    Due Feb 25 by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a text entry box Available until Mar 26 at 1pm

This assignment was locked Mar 26 at 1pm.

Before we move on to some new topics, let's take a moment to reflect on our discussions in our last class meeting.  Feel free to look back at your notes or the lecture recording of the last meeting to refresh your memory!

Jenna Lester  Some of our discussions in our last lecture meeting focused on the following quote from one of Dr. Jenna Lester's papers.

"While fair-skinned people are at the highest risk for contracting skin cancer, the skin cancer mortality rate for African Americans is considerably higher."

On the surface, this might seem like a self-contradictory statement, but we learned this is just one of many examples of a health disparity related to the skin.  Describe at least one data point or statistic from one of the papers

Links to an external site. we read and explain what that data point or statistic tells us about how skin health disparities can come about.

Mostly Complete (10 pts): All of the papers we read discussed one of the causes (but by no means the only cause) of skin health disparities: the fact that skin of color is largely absent when looking at important sources for medical information.  In your answer, you should mention at least one finding or statistic from at least one of the papers to support the idea that skin of color is underrepresented in a medical or health source.  That underrepresentation could lead to less frequent diagnosis of diseases among persons of color or could lead to less relevant health recommendations to persons of color.

               According to the Skin Physiology Health Disparity Paper 2 in the study conducted among dermatologist ,47 percent of them expressed that their training was inadequate diagnosed for skin disease based on skin of color. This finding indicating that significant gap and underscore in medical education and it needs to improve training and awareness. The healthcare disparity related to skin of color is a critical issue that need focus on inadequate matters and need to take some action in order to improve the diagnosis and treatment plan. Lack of representation in medical education and clinical observation caused disparities in dermatological care such as misdiagnosis or delay diagnosis , delay treatment could affect the  outcome of patient health condition. Dermatologists must actively work toward bridging this gap by enhancing our understanding of skin diseases across diverse populations and advocating for equitable care for all patients.

Application 9 - Aging relation over Keratinocytes Fibroblasts Collagen/Elastin Lipids

Application Question 9

    Due Feb 18 by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a text entry box Available until Mar 26 at 1pm

This assignment was locked Mar 26 at 1pm.

Changes in the skin often serve as the most immediately noticeable signs of aging for humans. Hopefully we are now using an A&P mindset when thinking about aging!

To demonstrate that A&P mindset, discuss how each of the following cells or molecules relate to a symptom of aging in the skin:


Feel free to open up another window so you can refer back to earlier discussion boards or other pages in this module!  You can also refer to the complete set of article excerpts

Download complete set of article excerpts on this topic.

Mostly Complete (10 pts): Response should mention 1. a symptom of aging related to each of the cells/molecules above as well as 2. some brief note about how the cell/molecule relates to that symptom (e.g., "collagen and elastin relate to reduced skin thickness, because there is less of those proteins in the dermis with age making it thinner").

Partially Complete (6 pts): One or more cell/molecule from list not discussed or discussions do not adequately connect the cells/molecules with their symptom (e.g., only saying "collagen and elastin relate to reduced skin thickness")


Wound healing versus fibrosis
