Sunday, February 25, 2024

Week 7 - Vitamin D Feedback Loop: Explain 2

 Week 7 - Vitamin D Feedback Loop: Explain 2

As a reminder, we are discussing the following brainteaser:

osteoporosisBackground Fact: Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium from food.
Brainteaser: Try to reason out how low Vitamin D could worsen osteoporosis in an individual, even if that person has normal blood calcium levels.
Feedback Loop:

Picking up from the last page, we're trying to figure out how the body would find extra calcium if blood calcium levels drop, and also how that would relate to osteoporosis.

View the first few minutes of the following animation to learn about the feedback loop that begins when blood calcium levels fall (or copy and paste this address:

Links to an external site.  Note that you only need to review and fully understand the portion from the start up until 2:15.

Now review the video a second time (again, just until 2:15) and try to figure out the components of the feedback loop.  That is, try to identify which cells, organs, or molecules are serving as receptors, control center, efferent pathway, and effectors.  Take out a scratch paper and try matching each role to a body part/cell/molecule!  Also consider what would be the deviation from normal and the response.  You can also refer to the bottom half of the textbook diagram below.

In this illustration, the two mechanisms that maintain calcium homeostasis are shown as two semicircles that are combined, one on top of each other, to make a complete circle. Homeostasis occurs along the diameter of the circle, at the border between the two semicircles. At homoeostasis, normal calcium levels are 10 milligrams per deciliter. The upper semicircle represents the mechanism that reduces elevated calcium levels in the blood when the levels are too high. First, the thyroid gland releases calcitonin. Calcitonin activity inhibits osteoclasts and decreases the reabsorption of calcium ions in the kidney. These two actions cause calcium ion levels in the blood to drop back to homeostasis. The lower semicircle represents the mechanisms that increase calcium levels in the blood when the levels are too low. First, the parathyroid glands release PTH. PTH stimulates osteoclast activity, causing calcium ions to be released from bone. PTH also increases the reabsorption of calcium by the kidney. In addition, PTH also increases calcium absorption in the small intestines via Vitamin D synthesis. These three actions cause calcium ion levels in the blood to increase.

Scientist Spotlight #6

 We will next move on to bone physiology and will begin our studies by getting to know the work of Mercedes Lopez, a Principal Investigator at the National Polytechnic Institute in Guanajuato, Mexico.  Her research focuses on how naturally occurring chemicals from agave plants (seen in picture with Dr. Lopez) impact human health.  Agave is probably most famously known as the type of plant used in the production of tequila and agave nectar is often used as a sweetener.  In 2014, Dr. Lopez coauthored a study titled Agave Fructans: Their Effect on Mineral Absorption and Bone Mineral Content.  In the summer of 2017, this article was covered by a science news website and the story was subsequently picked up by numerous newspapers and television stations across the country.

1) Please click here
Download click here to read a summary of Dr. Lopez's fascinating path to her current position, which begins... “Mercedes, you cannot learn English and Science at the same time.”  “Guess what? My family had very little, I was the first in my family to ever study outside of Mexico, I am dyslexic, and I DID IT.”

2) Then, click here Links to an external site. to read the science news article that set off a storm of publicity around Dr. Lopez's work.

3) Finally, please briefly review the abstract of the research article

Links to an external site..

After reviewing these resources, write a 250 word or more reflection with your responses. You might wish to discuss any or all of the following topics:

1)   What was most interesting or most confusing about the these resources?

2)   What can you learn from these resources about bone homeostasis and the chemicals important to bone physiology?

3)   What do these resources tell you about the types of people that do science?

4)   What new questions do you have after reviewing these resources?


 Hematopoiesis – the formation of blood cellular components – occurs during embryonic development and throughout adulthood to produce and replenish the blood system. Studying hematopoiesis can help scientists and clinicians to understand better the processes behind blood disorders and cancers.

application 9

From an anatomy and physiology perspective collagen, elastin, keratinocytes, and lipids significantly influences how our skin ages.

(1)Aging turn out the skin loses elasticity because the production of collagen and elastin decreases. Wrinkles are folds or wrinkles that develop on the face and body also presenting significant symptoms such as thinning , sagging skin, wrinkles and dry skin. 

(2)Age-related changes affecting keratinocytes which played vital role for skin strength and flexibility as we age reduction of keratin produce caused thinner epidermis and weaken the skin.

(3)The skin loses its youthful elasticity,wrinkles are folds or wrinkles that develop on the face and body. due to reduced production of two essential proteins: collagen and elastin.

(4)Lipids, including fats and oils, are essential for maintaining skin hydration and barrier function. As we age, lipid production diminishes, resulting in dryness, roughness, and compromised skin barrier integrity. 

Although we cannot stop the natural aging process, according to the article we can adopt preventive measures that could help improve skin health and maintain moisture  by using anti-aging skin cream , serum , moisturizer. Also we should eat well balance nutrition, ensure enough hydration, apply moisturizer, sun protection,   manage stress reduction, reduce smoking, perform regular exercise , get enough sleep to maintain healthy skin and combat the effects of aging.

Wound healing versus fibrosis
