Sunday, January 14, 2024

Application Questions & Revisions


Application Questions

Application Questions & Revisions

Frequently during the course, you will be asked to discuss questions with your peers.  I will often then ask you to commit your thoughts to writing on Canvas.  Afterwards, I will categorize your response into one of three categories:

10 points - Excellent job!  Your response was well supported with biological evidence and is mostly or totally complete!  You received 10 points for your response.

6 points - Nice work!  Your response was on-topic and you supported your response with some evidence from biology.  You received 6 points for this response.  There is probably additional evidence that would support your argument or deepen your response.  Refer to the posted grading rubric (on the assignment page for the question) and talk with your classmates or me if desired, then turn your revised response into me and increase your score up to 10 points!

3 points - Thanks for sharing your ideas!  However, your response was a little off topic or did not have support from biological evidence.  You received 3 points for this response.  Refer to the posted grading rubric (on the assignment page for the question) and  talk with your classmates or me if desired, then turn your revised response into me and increase your score up to 10 points!

Don't worry - everyone will get 6 or 3 points at times, and that does not reflect negatively on your potential for success in the course.  In fact, it's one of the goals of the course that everyone confronts confusions and makes mistakes at times!  If everyone had complete and fully supported answers from Day 1, we wouldn't have much to explore and learn together!  More important than your initial score is the effort you put into revising and resubmitting responses.

Revising Application Question Responses

To resubmit, simply click the "New Attempt" or "Re-Submit Assignment" button at the top, right of the appropriate application question assignment page to submit a new answer.  Please make sure to share your revised answer through the "New Attempt" button and do not simply type in your response as a "comment."  Canvas does not notify me of new student "comments" on assignments.


Why use this technique?

  1. We get low-pressure opportunities to make mistakes and confront confusions - two of our main objectives in terms of getting our brains in a learning stance!
  2. I get to hear from every single student on a regular basis.
  3. I can give you frequent individual feedback and increase our level of communication.
  4. You get points for learning, even if your initial ideas were not 100% complete.  Through revising your answers, you directly address your own misconceptions and share ideas with your classmates.
  5. I find out how we're doing as a class, so I can go back and correct any major misconceptions or clarify difficult topics.
  6. You make yourself a test study aide as part of your normal classwork.  The application questions form the basis of tests.
  7. I can assess a much wider array of topics more frequently.  

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