Tuesday, February 13, 2024

application 5 Pauk Pauk

 The DNA of Jared  and Aaron passed along their baby will include new combination of genes as a result of crossing over. Crossing over generates fresh genetic combinations on chromosomes that render the possibility of these twins having identical twin children unlikely. Through crossing over, their reproductive cells undergo independent assortment, each pair includes one chromosome from the mother and one from the father with independent assortment, the number of potential combinations is turned out more than around 8 million combinations. (example 2 raised to the power of 23  = over 8 million) Meiosis is a process where a single cell divides twice and creates four daughter cells known as sex cells. These cells contain half of the genetic material from the parents. Meiosis results in genetically unique cells that only have half of the DNA from the parents. During prophase I of meiosis I, crossing over occurs, where homologous chromosomes align and exchange sections of DNA, creating recombinant chromosomes with mixed genetic information from both parents.The orientation of each pair is independent of the orientation of other pairs.This random assortment of chromosomes leads to the production of gametes with different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes, further increasing genetic diversity. This process increases genetic variation by forming new combinations of alleles, ensuring that each gamete has a unique genetic makeup.While Aaron and Jared’s kids will share some genetic similarities due to their parents being identical twins, they won’t be identical twins themselves.

 Independent assortment occurs during metaphase I of meiosis I. During this stage, homologous pairs of chromosomes line up randomly along the equator of the cell.

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