Sunday, March 24, 2024

Week 11 - Reflecting On Learning

 Recall that reflecting on what you have learned and how you learned those things is a critical process for strengthening synapses, and therefore strengthening memories.  Think broadly about your Bio 40A experiences, going all the way back to the first day of class and extending through the present.  Take plenty of time to reflect and consider...

  1.     the coursework and Canvas assignments you completed
  2.     our on-campus meetings
  3.     your interactions with classmates and with me
  4.     any new skills, strategies, attitudes, or mindsets you have developed
  5.     relevant conversations you've had with friends and family
  6.     any other official or unofficial experiences related to your participation in Bio 40A over the last 11 weeks!

As you reflect on the above, compose a 500 word or more reflection on the prompt...

    What from Bio 40A do you think you will remember and continue to use/practice/act on years from now?
    Why did you choose those things?
    How do you think you learned those things?

There are absolutely no right or wrong answers and nothing would please me more than to see a wide range of ideas from one student to the next!  You will receive credit based on...

    4 points - Writing at least 500 words (your word count will be displayed in the bottom right as you type)
    8 points - Providing details, examples, and a candid analysis of your experiences, personal progress, anticipated memories, and applications of what you've learned going forward

In this class]

  • I realling like learning on case scanerio , it really helpful think out of the box which help me improve critical thinking.
  • researching on the internet and discuss with the classmate .
  • engage in meaningful discussions with classmates.

Lab experiences 

in the past i was afraid the lab

not familier about using microscopes don't know how to adjust the magnifier .

I felt not enough to practice in lab 

I purchase small not expensive microsocope and practice 

 confident on using microscopes  

now i am enjoying using microscopes 

fell in love study in with science 

Overcoming the initial fear and unfamiliarity with microscopes, I took the initiative to practice and become confident in using them. Lab hand on assignment not only improved my skills but also sparked a love for science. Lab hands-on experience help me transform apprehension into enjoyment and passion for learning science. I love to continue to explore the microscopic world.

In my earlier years, I harbored a fear of science. Science classes used to make my heart race, especially when I started learning biological concepts in high school. When I started learning Biology 40A in college, I noticed that my fear of the subject had diminished compared to high school. Perhaps the teaching approach played a significant role in making science enjoyable for me. The teaching methods seemed to foster a newfound appreciation for learning science. Biology 40A covers human anatomy and physiology. It delves into the fascinating world of cells, tissues, organs, and systems within the human body. I enjoyed participation in both classroom and online activities. I find learning through case scenarios is truly beneficial. It encourages me to think outside the box and enhances critical thinking skills. In class activity research on specific scenarios and case study online, broadening my understanding. Engaging in meaningful discussions with classmates enriches my learning experience. Collaborating with peers provides diverse perspectives and fosters deeper understanding. Another thing is that regular assessments, quizzes, and feedback loops help me gauge my progress and identify areas for improvement.

Overcoming the initial fear with the lab because I was unfamiliar with using microscopes. I purchased a little microscope and diligently practiced, which help me not only boosted my confidence but also ignited a genuine love for science. Lab hand on assignment not only improved my skills but also sparked a love for science. Lab hands-on experience helps me transform apprehension into enjoyment and passion for learning science. I’m eagerly looking forward to delving deeper into the microscopic realm next semester as I explore Biology 40B, 40C, and the fascinating field of microbiology.
In the class of Biology 40A, I forged more than just scientific knowledge. I honed my analytical skills, navigated complex concepts, and discovered the art of inquiry. Beyond textbooks and lab reports, I unearthed the power of active engagement, self-reflection, and continuous feedback. These lessons, like seeds planted in fertile soil, will bear fruit throughout my academic and personal voyage. Armed with curiosity and resilience, I set sail—a lifelong learner charting uncharted waters

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