Thursday, March 28, 2024

Application Question 14- exercise related with ATP and muscle stimulation

Application Question 14

    Due Mar 10 by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a text entry box Available until Mar 26 at 1pm

This assignment was locked Mar 26 at 1pm.
Let's return to our scenario...

DumbellsPretend you have a friend who has recently gotten very excited about fitness and exercise. Now all she wants to talk about is what’s happening in her body during workouts! She’s started a new weight lifting program for her arms where she cycles quickly through various dumbbell exercises for a few minutes before resting and repeating later. She asks you to help her understand what’s happening in her muscle cells during and after those workouts.

Briefly explain (just a sentence or two for each point) how...

    Her muscles generate energy (ATP) to do this work?
    Her nervous system coordinates the stimulation/action potentials to her muscle cells?
    Her muscle cells will change over time as a result of her workouts?

Mostly Complete (10 pts): Address each of the three topics above with information about how muscles change during exercise. For #1, more than one energy harnessing method should be addressed, since the length of the exercise would require at least a couple ATP generation strategies. See the three pages immediately before this question for information about what to share for each of these three topics!

               I would explained my friend that during weight lifting,her muscles primarily produce energy (in the form of ATP) through aerobic respiration, which involves using oxygen to break down glucose and fuel muscle contractions.When her muscles contract, ATP molecules had to broken down to release energy.The frequency and intensity of these signals determine the force and duration of muscle contractions.

(1)  For short bursts of intense activity like weight lifting , her muscles rely on stored creatine phosphate (CP) to rapidly regenerate ATP.

(2)  For moderate-intensity exercise, glucose breakdown via glycolysis generates ATP.

(3) For longer activity oxygen is used to break down glucose into ATP molecules, providing sustained energy

            When lifting weights, the nervous system coordinates the firing of motor neurons, which stimulate muscle fibers to contract.Initially, muscle contractions are often partial and not strong enough to fully shorten the muscle cell.To achieve full muscle cell shortening and sustained contraction, the muscle cell must receive multiple signals in succession from the neuron.

       During workouts, the interaction between actin and myosin generates force in the muscle. Increasing the amount of actin and myosin results in greater force production and thicker, more defined muscles when lifting heavier weights.

         Consistent work out perform training, muscle fibers increase in size due to increased protein synthesis and the addition of contractile proteins actin and myosin. Aerobic exercise promotes mitochondrial growth within muscle cells. More mitochondria mean better ATP production through aerobic respiration.

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