Sunday, February 11, 2024

Week 5 - Membranes: Elaborate


31 31 unread replies. 31 31 replies.

Consider the prompt below.  You will receive 1 point for submitting a post of your own (3 sentences or more), after which you will be able to see your colleagues' posts.  There is no requirement to reply to other students' posts in this discussion.

Discussion Prompt:

CourtroomPretend you’re called as an expert witness in a court case about asbestos. The person suing (the plaintiff) worked in an asbestos mine in Canada and says it is now hard for him to breathe due to exposure to asbestos. As an expert witness, use your A&P knowledge to describe to the judge how the asbestos could relate to the plaintiff's difficulties.  You should...

Screen Shot 2018-10-23 at 1.47.37 AM.pngDescribe two different membranes that you think are likely impacted, including where those membranes are located, what specific tissue types they're are made of, and how you think the presence of spiky asbestos within those membranes could inhibit their normal functions.

This will be a chance to share and compare answers with colleagues from class and perhaps hear about more ideas/details that you might want to include in your response!  You might want to open another window to go to earlier pages in this module and remind yourself of where asbestos can go to in the body.

  • impact of Asbestos:
    Asbestos fibers can reach the alveoli when inhaled. Once there, they interact with the alveolar-capillary membrane.
    The spiky asbestos fibers cause chronic inflammation and damage to the delicate type I alveolar cells and endothelial cells.
    Fibrosis develops within the alveolar walls, thickening the membrane. This impairs gas diffusion, reducing the efficiency of oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide removal.
    The plaintiff may experience progressive dyspnea (shortness of breath) due to compromised gas exchange caused by the presence of asbestos within the alveolar-capillary membrane.

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