Saturday, February 3, 2024

Week 4 - Inheritance: Stop & Think

Take a moment to think about your current ideas related to our twins marrying twins scenario.  

To find out the chances of these babies being identical, we need to find out what DNA might have been passed on to them from their parents. 

 Let's just zoom in and consider one parent for the moment.  

We'll focus on your hypothetical friend, Aaron, for now.  

To simplify our thoughts, let's also just focus on a few chromosomes (not all 46!). 

 Below we see representations of 8 of Aaron's 46 chromosomes. 

 If possible, use a piece of scratch paper to draw some empty sperm cells like the one below.  Draw some examples of chromosomes that you think could be in his sperm cell.  Remember that we know Aaron can only pass on half of his DNA to his child.  How many possible sperm cells do you come up with? 

chromosomes and sperm cell

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