Thursday, February 1, 2024

Quizz study chapter 1


Column1 Column2 chapter 

is the study of body structure; meaning to "cut up"
Anatomy 1

4 Types of Tissues Epithelial tissue, connective tissue , muscle tissue , nervous tissue  1

4 Types of Tissues
- Epithelium: covers body surface
- Connective Tissue: connects, supports, and protects organs
- Muscle: contracts to make body move and generate heat
- Nerves: carries information from one part of the body to another through impulses
4 Types of Tissues 1

Cell are the basic structural and functional units of an organism
cell  1

connective tissue
connects , support and protect the organs  1

Disgestive system  handles taking in and breaking down food ,absrobing nutrient and eliminating wastes  1

Epithelium: cover body surface  1

is the science of body functions, Includingthe study of homeostasis Physiology 1

is the sum of all the catabolic (breaking down) and anabolic (building up) chemical processes that occur in the body.

muscle tissue
make body move and general heat  1

nervous  carres information from one part of the body to another through impluses  1

organ Organs
are structures composed of two or more different types of tissues

organ system
organ system Consists of related organs with a common function.

EX: Digestive system handles taking in and breaking down food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating wastes.

Six Levels of Structural Organization - celluar structural Cellular structural and functional unit 1

Six Levels of Structural Organization - Chemical atom and molecules  1

Six Levels of Structural Organization - Organ
different types of tissue join together 1

Six Levels of Structural Organization - Organismal Organismal individual living human 1

Six Levels of Structural Organization - System
System related organs with common function 1

Six Levels of Structural Organization - THE ORDER
Chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, system, organismal
Chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, system, organismal 1

Six Levels of Structural Organization - Tissue
tissue groups of cells function together 1

Tissue are groups of cells that work together to perform a similar function. tissue  1

build up 1

catabolism  break down  1

is the body's ability to detect and respond to changes which might represent an opportunity/threat
responsiveness  1

is any motion, including movement of tiny subcellular structures, or movement inside cells or organs. 1

involves an increase in body size due to an increase in existing cells, number of cells, or both

development of a cell from an unspecialized (stem cell) to specialized state.

A condition of equilibrium (balance) in the body's internal environment.

Two Main Systems That Work Together to Achieve Homeostasis
Nervous System and Endocrine System (hormones) work alone or together in feedback systems to maintain homeostasis.

Negative Feedback
Process by which a control mechanism is activated to restore altered conditions to their original state EX: thermostat turns off if house if too hot, heats house if too cool
Negative Feedback

Positive Feedback enhance/ amplify changes; tends to move system away from equilibrium state to make it more unstable  positive feedback 

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