Sunday, October 8, 2023

Chemical level

These elements make up the majority of our bodies

Elements are given chemical symbols such

  1.  O = oxygen
  2.  C = carbon
  3. H = hydrogen
  4. N = nitrogen
Trace Elements of the Human Body
  1. Aluminium (Al)
  2. Boron (B)
  3. chromium (Cr)
  4. cobalt 
  5. copper (cu)
  6. fluorine (Fl)
  7. iodine (I)
  8. Manganese (Mn)
  9. Molybdenum (Mo) 
  10. Selenium (Se)
  11. silicon
  12. tin
  13. Vanadium 
  14. Zinc (Zn)
Major element 96 % of total 
Lesser element 3.6 % total
Trace element 0.4 % of total
Chemical elements are composed of units of
matter of the same type called atoms
Atoms are the smallest units of matter that
retain the properties and characteristics of
an element
Atoms are composed
of protons, neutrons,
and electrons

Atomic number and mass number  
(isotopes example 
Carbon =C 
atomic number 6 , 
mass number 12 or 13
atomic mass 12 .01

Atomic mass 
Atomic mass assumes the mass of a:
 Neutron = 1.008 daltons
 Proton = 1.007 daltons
 Electron = 0.0005 daltons
The atomic mass/weight of an element is the
average mass of all its naturally occurring

Atomic number is the number of protons in
the nucleus of an atom
Mass number is the number of protons and
neutrons in an atom

Ions, Molecules, and Compounds

Ion – an atom that has lost or gained an
Molecule – 2 or more atoms sharing
Compound – a substance that can be
broken down into 2 or more different
Ions, Molecules, and Compounds

Chemical bonds 
A chemical bond occurs when atoms are
held together by forces of attraction
 The number of electrons in the valence shell
determines the likelihood that an atom will form a
chemical bond with another atom
ionic Bonds
 Cat ions vs Anions 
example NaCl -chlorine 7 valence electron
sodium Na - 1 valence electron 
ionic bond in sodium chloride

single , double , triple bond 
Covalent bond - CH4, H2O
Hydrogen bond- two other associate with hydrogen atom

Chemical Reactions- Reactants , Product , Metabolism 
Forms of Energy & Chemical
Energy is the capacity to do work
 Potential energy
 Kinetic energy
 Chemical energy

Law of conservation of energy

Energy Transfer 

Exergonic vs.

Type of chemical reaction 
2. Decomposition
3. Exchange
4. Reversible
5. Oxidation-reduction
Inorganic compounds usually lack carbon
and are simple molecules
  • Water is the most important and abundant inorganic compound in all living things
Organic compounds always contain H, usually contain O, and always have covalent

Water as a Polar Molecule
oxygen atoms  + hydrogen atoms =water molecule 

water as solvent 
crystals of NaCl 
Hydrated chloride ion
Hydrated sodium ion
water molecule 

water as lubricant 

Water is a major component of our body
fluids and helps reduce friction as
membranes and organs slide over one
Water as a Lubricant

Solutions, Colloids, and Suspensions

Mixture – a combination of elements or
compounds that are physically blended
together but not bonded together
3 types of mixtures:
1. Solution
2. Colloid
3. Suspension

Percentage of molarity

acid  HCL  (+-)
base  KOH (+- ) 
salt  KCL (+- ) 

PH Buffer (acid base ) 

Buffer system 
maintenance of body fluid homeostasis is critical 
carbon -Organic compound always contain carbon 
Many carbon can combine variety of shape
carbon compound do not dissolve in water easily 
carbon compound are good source of energy

Major functional group of organic molecules 

Hydroxyl R-O-H   alcohol contain OH group which is polar and hydrophilic molecule due to electronegative O atom (oxygen atom ) 
Sulfhydryl R-S-H  Thiols have an -SH group which is polar and Hydrophilic due to its electronegative S atom. Certain amino acid for example cysteine contain -SH group which help stabilize the shape of protein. 

 Functional group of carbon 
Major functional group of organic molecule 
R- C-R  ( Ketone contain carbonyl group )within the carbon skeleton 

R- C-H (aldehydes have a carbonyl group at the end of the carbon skeleton 

Major functional group of organic molecule 
Carboxyl- Carboxylic acid contain carbonyl group at the end of the carbon skeleton 

Functional group of organic molecule 
carbohydrate contain glucose 
fruit c
ontain frutose )
glactose (in milk)

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